USCG Modular Unit Refurbishment, Building 350T, Atlantic City, NJ (1585)

Client Federal Aviation Administration
Location Atlantic City, NJ
Value $169,514.00
Schedule July, 2022
Architect FAA

Project Detail

Project included the modification and renovations to a multi-unit, modular office to upgrade the Break Room, provide new offices, and reconfigure access to locker room facilities.  Work consisted of select demolition and disposal of existing walls and cubical wall systems. New walls were constructed, adding new doors and ceilings, as well as repairs to existing ceilings throughout.  The breakroom received new cabinets, countertops and flooring.  Electrical work included the installation of new outlets, relocation of existing and installation of new lighting fixtures, audio devices, data/communication outlets, and other devices, as indicated. The relocating of supply and return grills to include replacement of flexible ducts and insulation as required to modify and balance the HVAC system.  Modifications and additional devices were also provided and installed for the fire protection system.  Plumbing work involved the removal of drinking fountains and the installation of a new water bottle filling station, with a new sink, garbage disposal, and dishwasher in the Break Room.